Enhancing the role of youth initiatives in promoting Community co-existence

In partnership with the Awam Foundation for Cultural Development and funded by the United Nations Women’s Association “UNWomen”, Progress Org. implemented this project in Sana’a and Raymah governorates during the period December 2019 to February 2020. The project aims to solve societal conflicts related to water through the establishment of a water collection tank, a water network, and the operation of a water pump in the village of Al-Ashoub in the district of Mazhar in the Raymah governorate, as well as resolving the conflict between the people about the rehabilitation and restarting of the water pump in the village of Rabat in the Directorate of Bani Matar in Sana’a. Community members in the two governorates contributed part of the project costs through the youth initiatives that were established for this purpose, and they also contributed to the implementation through the cash-for-work activity. The number of beneficiaries in Raymah Governorate reached 1200, and 600 people in Sana’a Governorate.